Boosday News

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer.

Welcome to a special edition of Baturday News, which we are posting on Tuesday, or rather, Boosday, because of some computer glitches. We hope you enjoy Rachael's batty poetry.

Hi everybody! Since it is almost Halloween, I thought that the next few weeks should be Halloween related blog entrees. This week, I will share two poems that I wrote. I hope you like them!

Brown Bat on a Halloween Night
I am a bat all snug and warm
Folded wings is my form
Until night I sleep
For that’s when I eat
Now the sun is going down
All the children frown
They have to sleep
But a bat does not weep
Now is when I wake
But for my mother’s sake
I’ll sleep in late
But I do not want to wait
For my food is flying around
And it needs to be found
Finally mom wakes
I’ll make no mistakes
While catching my food
I’ll make sure it’s all chewed
Then I see a ghost
It is holding a pot-roast
It looks blue
So I fly down to it and yell BOO!!!
little bat stealing candy corn
A Bats’ Halloween

From far above, it is such a sight.
What I see below gives me a fright.
Goblins and ghouls are running about.
“Trick or Treat” I hear them shout.
Why are those creatures running around?
If I stay up here, will I be found?
Oh, no! I’ve been seen by a ghost!
It’s over there by a lamp post.
He holds up his hand high in the air.
Should I go? Do I dare?
In his hand, he holds something sweet.
Should I grab it with my feet?
Here I go. His candy I take.
Then I get a tummy ache.
Human food, bats should not eat.
Next time, I think I’ll have a mothy treat.

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