Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big browns bats that use the outside of her home for a winter roost. Her family has cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.
Hi Everyone! It snowed today! I was so happy to see it, but I’m not sure my bats were. I don’t think they like the cold weather. I think it’s probably hard for them to see through all the snow and wind. I guess they’ll stay in their home tonight. I wonder if they’ll be hungry. I wish I could catch a moth and feed it to them, but they are not that well trained. I hope they are OK.
I hope everyone had a Happy New Year and that you were considerate of the bats while you were out celebrating. Please remember that they like peaceful and quiet people. So when you walk by their roosts, don’t be too loud. The little bats will thank you, but it’ll sound like a “squeak.”
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