It’s Cookie Time!

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big browns bats that use the outside of her home for a winter roost. Her family has cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. This week's post also features one of E Wright's illustrations.

An illustration of a bat eating a cookieHello Everyone!

It’s Girl Scout cookie time. I wonder what little Bat Scouts would sell.  Bat Scout cookies anyone?

The annual Bat Scout Cookie Program gives bats the opportunity to earn money for their program activities and help their council offer special events. This year’s cookie choices are:

Mango Munchies – Perfect for fruit bats.  These bite-sized mango cookies are dusted with powdered banana and bursting with yummy mango flavor.

Bat Wings – Shaped like a bat’s wing, these delicate-tasting, insect flavored cookies are delightfully simple and satisfying.

Crunch-A-Dos – Crisp and crunchy beetle shell cookies with creamy worm filling.

Caledonias – Crisp fruity cookie coated in nectar, sprinkled with toasted pollen, and striped with a dark blossomy coating.

Hangalongs – Crispy cookies layered with mealworm butter and covered with a mothy coating.

Thin Moths – Crispy cookies covered with a mothy coating.


(My apologies to the Girl Scouts and Little Brownie Bakers. ) (And with gratitude for the Girl Scouts of America’s efforts to promote science and technology education for our nation’s girls!—Ed.)

2 Replies to “It’s Cookie Time!”


Ew! Gross!


The Mango Munchies are fit for human consumption. You should get a box. They taste good. 🙂

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