Tinybat’s First Blog

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big browns bats that use the outside of her home for a winter roost. Her family has cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Though apparently, this week's entry was written by a bat!

Hi Everyone! This is Tinybat! Since I had so much fun in Washington, Rachael said that I could write the blog this Baturday. I hope I do a good job. It’s hard to type with wings.

I went to the Film Festival. My friends, a hoary bat and a northern long-eared bat, and I were the star attractions. I got to meet a lot of people. I even got to meet the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service. He was a very nice man who, I’m sure, thought I was adorable. My humans held me nice and snug in a glove and showed me off to all the people who were there. I behaved myself very well and got to eat lots and lots of mealworms. I even got a wax worm! I think they would go well in stew, if you want to try something new. While I was meeting all the people, I showed off a little bit. I even talked to everyone there, so that they could hear my lovely squeaky voice. Everyone was very impressed.

Rachael was there too. She told me how cute I was being. I loved all the attention.

After I got to meet all the people, they all watched some movies. I think they must have been about me. What else would they have been about? After the movies, some people came back to see me again. It was a lot of fun, but by the end of the night, I was exhausted! And very full!

I hope all the people who were there liked seeing me. I hope they learned a lot about bats and white nose syndrome. Most of all, I hope they are able to help us bats.

Thank you all for reading my very first blog post. If I’m a lucky Tinybat, maybe Rachael will let me do this again sometime. I feel some bat poetry bubbling inside me.


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