Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that use the outside of her home for a winter roost. Her family has cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.
Hi everyone! The people at Save Lucy are very excited right now. A new pup came in a few days ago. It’s a Brazilian Free Tailed bat pup. This kind of bat doesn’t usually live in Virginia. The people at Save Lucy are very excited to think that there might be a new bat species living here.
The pup came in weighing 5.6 grams. She’s very tiny and very cute. She has an adorable tail! So far they haven’t found a Brazilian Free Tailed bat colony in the area. Hopefully they’ll be able to find on so that this little girl can be released into the wild when she is older. I’ll try to keep everyone posted on her condition. For now, here is a video of the little pup. Isn’t she cute?
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