Crunchy, crunchy, cookie time!!

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.

Hi everyone! It’s Bat Scout cookie time! This year, there is a new flavor - Rah Rah Rove Beetles! The Bat Scouts are still offering the flavors from last year too, so if you had a favorite you can still order that. Here is this year’s list.

A photo of a cookie made with crickets!
Yum! We cannot find the source for this delicious cookie picture. We would be happy to credit the artist if we knew who it was!

Mango Munchies – Perfect for fruit bats.  These bite-sized mango cookies are dusted with powdered banana and bursting with yummy mango flavor.

Bat Wings – Shaped like a bat’s wing, these delicate-tasting, insect flavored cookies are delightfully simple and satisfying.

Crunch-A-Dos – Crisp and crunchy beetle shell cookies with creamy worm filling.

Caledonias – Crisp fruity cookie coated in nectar, sprinkled with toasted pollen, and striped with a dark blossomy coating.

Hangalongs – Crispy cookies layered with mealworm butter and covered with a mothy coating.

Thin Moths – Crispy cookies covered with a mothy coating.

 !new!  Rah Rah Rove Beetles – Hearty beetle shell cookies with plump rove beetle chunks.

Don’t these sound so good! I bet all your little neighborhood bats want some. Why don’t you order them a box or two or three or four?  Little Freda is very excited to try her first Bat Scout cookie.  She is looking forward to the new Rah Rah Rove Beetles and the Hangalongs. Little Quince wants some Thin Moths. Fierce and Gladys can’t decide if they want to stick with the Crunch-A-Dos or try the new flavor. I think they should get both.

Don’t forget the annual Bat Scout Cookie Program gives bats the opportunity to earn money for their program activities and help their council offer special events.

Won’t you please help these little bats and buy some yummy treats for your neighborhood furry friends? The bats here at Save Lucy are looking forward to their treats. Last year they got so excited that they ate too much and flew crazy laps around the flight cage. Have you ever seen a bat with a sugar rush? It’s adorable!

(My apologies to the Girl Scouts and Little Brownie Bakers. I think the new Girl Scout cookie flavor (Rah-Rah Raisins sounds a little better than the bat version.--R)

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