Appreciation, and an ode

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.

Hi everyone! Yesterday was Bat Appreciation Day! I hope everyone enjoyed their celebration. I know the bats here at Save Lucy did. They don’t really need much of an excuse to ask for extra mealworms. They think they’re so yummy. But it was nice for them to have a good reason to have a celebration dinner.

Now for the sad news. It’s very sad news. Fierce, one of Save Lucy’s little tricolored bats, passed away. He was a good little bat and I’m sad. Gladys misses him very much. They made such a lovely little couple. Since all of Save Lucy’s bats love to write poetry, Gladys decided to write a poem to express her grief.

A photograph of two tri-colored bats, Fierce and Gladys, roosting together.
Tri-colored bats Fierce and Gladys roosting together.

Ode to Fierce

            By Gladys

I miss you my love.
You treated me like a dove.

Now I’m alone;
I just want to moan.

With whom will I share my mealworm?
With whom will I watch them squirm?

Fierce, my friend you are gone.
You were as handsome as a swan.

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