Rachael’s Review

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a middle school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted the wild colony for years.

Hi everyone! I’m Baaack! I’m here with a bonus edition of the Baturday News! This news just could not wait another week, so I hope you all don’t mind.

The latest animated bat video has been released! This one is called Om Nom Nom and it is a real thriller! The star of the show is a heroic bat named Milo. The video begins with a terrifying scene that reminds the viewer of a horror movie. We watch as a garden is invaded by a swarm of terrifying insects. The most amazing theatrical performance that could ever be done by produce is accomplished by an ear of corn. We watch as Ms. Corn is viciously attacked by marauding insects. Luckily, before all hope is lost, a young bat named Milo flies in to save the day. Little Milo does what bats do best and gobbles up all the invading insects.

This movie shows the viewer how important bats are to a garden. Through his heroic acts and his amusingly barbaric burp, little Milo shows that bats really are not scary at all. There is no doubt in this movie reviewer’s mind that little Milo will be nominated for an Emmy or an Oscar after this performance. I believe “Best Supporting Actress” could definitely go to Ms. Corn.

So, without further ado, please watch the latest video, Om Nom Nom.

Little Milo and the various produce would like to thank the volunteers of Save Lucy for their hard work and dedication to bats. They would also like to thank the US Fish and Wildlife Service for their support and very generous grant that made this video possible.

And please enjoy this bonus feature:

I hope you all have a wonderful week! And, once again, HAPPY EASTER!!!


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