(Bat) Puppy love

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a middle school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted the wild colony for years.

A photograph of a bat pup
A bat pup born in early June 2016

Hi everyone! Was there something missing in your life this past week? Something that you had grown to love and depend on week after week for years? Something you counted on to give your life purpose? Something you looked forward to reading every single Baturday? Was something terribly wrong, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it? Were you lost and confused?

Good news! I’m here to fix that problem for you! The Baturday News is back! I am terribly sorry that my readers had to endure a week without their news. Due to technical difficulties beyond human control, the Baturday News could not be posted last week. However, now that the demons who took over the internet last week have been quieted, all will be right with the world once again. So, sit back and relax. Here is what you have been waiting for…

As you know, it is June. What you might not know is that June is baby bat season! That’s right, there are little baby bat pups being born right now! So, I thought we should talk about little baby bats. Since my first bat friends were big brown bats, I decided to research big brown bat pups.

I found out that big brown bats usually mate in the fall and winter. The pups are born in May and June (right now!!!). I also found out that in the eastern United States, big brown bats often have twins. In the western states, they usually only have 1 baby. The babies are born blind and without fur. Pups start flying after 3 to 5 weeks. They stay with their mothers for 2 more weeks.

When a baby bat is separated from its mother, it squeaks constantly. The mother bat can hear the baby bat from as far away as 30 feet. The mother can then find the baby and take it to safety. Mothers talk to their pups using high-pitched squeaks.

I can’t wait to see all the cute little babies flying around! If you want to read more about baby big brown bats, you can read about them herehere, and here.








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