It’s Cookie Time!!

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a high school student, bat advocate, and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost.

A photo pf a big brown bat in mid chew
Mooch, a big brown bat in mid-chew. Possibly munching on a Crunch-a-Do?

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week! It was an interesting week for weather here in Virginia. The week started off nice and warm. It was almost 80°! And then, it got cold. It even snowed a little bit yesterday! Ok, it was a really little bit, but white stuff did fall from the sky. Sadly, it wasn’t enough to be called a “dusting”, which means it was nowhere close to enough snow to give me a day off school, but it was still fun to see. I guess all the little animals are happy it didn’t snow too much this winter, but I am disappointed.

Now, it’s time for some happier news…IT’S BAT SCOUT COOKIE TIME!!!! That’s right, the little Bat Scouts are out selling their tasty treats at Bat Scout cookie booths around town! So, if you see a little Bat Scout, please be kind and buy a box. Of course, you would be stuck with a box of buggish cookies, but it’s for a good cause. This year, the little Bat Scouts even have a new cookie flavor they are selling! And, as always, it sounds absolutely repulsive…I mean lovely!

Here is the list of this year’s Bat Scout cookie flavors. There are some old favorites, and a tasty new one!

Mango Munchies – Perfect for fruit bats. These bite-sized mango cookies are dusted with powdered banana and are bursting with yummy mango flavor.

Bat Wings – Shaped like a bat’s wing, these delicate-tasting, insect flavored cookies are delightfully simple and satisfying.

Crunch-A-Dos – Crisp and crunchy beetle shell cookies with creamy worm filling.

Caledonias – Crisp fruity cookie coated in nectar, sprinkled with toasted pollen, and striped with a dark blossomy coating.

Hangalongs – Crispy cookies layered with mealworm butter and covered with a mothy coating.

Thin Moths – Crispy cookies covered with a mothy coating.

and the new flavor…

A photograph of a cookie with stink bugs in it
The new S'tink cookie! Looks delicious!

S’tink – Crunchy stink bug shell sandwich cookies with creamy, mashed stink bug filling. This wonderful cookie is reminiscent of the classic bat-camping treat “s’tinks” that are roasted over the campfire.

……I don’t know about you, but I might pass on the S’tinks and stick to the Caledonias or Mango Munchies.

I hope you all have a great week!


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