Do a Report on Bats

Your Mission

Do a report on bats and White Nose Syndrome and present it to your club or class.

8 Replies to “Do a Report on Bats”


I did an oral report to my 1st grade class on bats and WNS — there’s a picture of my notes on the back of my diorama.


I gave a report to the Co leaders of my girl scout Troop about WNS and is devastating effects as I explained why we would be building bat houses.

Brook luvs bats

i gave an 8 minute memorized speech at my speech class. about how bats help us,why they need our help, & how we can help them. i set in in ๐Ÿ™‚
thank you!


i did my report. ๐Ÿ™‚


i did my report ๐Ÿ™‚


how do i get my points?


i love bats


I did the report!

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